Capítulo 18 de Ezequiel
15 de marzo de 2015
Dios había dicho a Ezequiel que no sería fácil su tarea. Debía hablar la palabra de Dios a un pueblo rebelde. Rebelde contra el Dios de ellos, el Dios del pacto. Y, obviamente, esa palabra sería dura, de condenación y amenaza. Pero, como siempre, la gente buscaba disculparse. "No tengo la culpa", fue el refrán de muchos israelitas ante la amenaza del cautiverio.
Ezekiel 18
March 15, 2015
God had said to Ezekiel that his work wouldn't be easy. He would have to speak God's word to a rebellious people, rebellious against their God, the God of the covenant. And, obviously, that word would be hard, condemning, and threatening. But, as always, people sought to excuse themselves. "I'm not guilty" was many Israelites' refrain at the threat of captivity.